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  • Who can have Spinal Flow®?
    We treat clients of all ages and clients who are experiencing a range of dis-ease and symptoms. Spinal Flow® is a very gentle, non-invasive technique where only light touch is necessary. We are simply reminding your body to tap into its own innate healing ability, empowering it to clear blockages with ease which then allows vertebrae to move freely and realign even with serious physical issues such as scoliosis. As the technique is so gentle, anyone and everyone can experience the benefits of Spinal Flow®.
  • Why have a session ?
    If you’re experiencing pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, a busy mind or lack of clarity. If you’re exhaustively repeating patterns you know aren’t working for you. If you’re feeling stuck in life and despite willing in change, you can’t seem to gain any traction.
  • What does a session look like?
    Your Spinal Flow® practitioner will lightly touch areas of openness in the body called “access points”, without any manual manipulation of the spine. By gently contacting these “access points”, our intention is to open up the areas of blockages and allow the body to release stressors from the spine and nervous system and thus encouraging a "Spinal Wave". All that is required of you is to lie face down fully clothed, relax and enjoy connecting into your body.
  • What will it feel like?
    During a spinal flow session, clients feel relaxed and connected to their bodies. Some clients experience twitches, heat running through their body, which could feel like a wave moving up and along your spine, a change in energy, emotional release like crying or laughter, sometimes feels like deep meditation or an indescribable relaxation. The more attention and awareness you're in with your body during session, the greater the results you'll see.
  • What to expect during your first visit / Initial session?
    During this session, your Spinal Flow® Practitioner will; Conduct a Health Assessment where you will be asked about your health history, health and well-being goals and lifestyle choices. Complete a Postural Assessment and Spinal Check for ease or blockages that impede nerve and energy flow using simple movements, feeling your spine and identify any chemical, emotional, or physical stress stored in your body. Posture Screen Discuss any findings and recommend a personalised care plan to help you achieve your health and well-being goals. You will also receive a free Singing bowl therapy (charka cleansing therapy) to balance your charka (only client are suitable) during this session and follow with basic yogic breath teaching for maintain your health and well-being. Finish with your first Spinal Flow® treatment. Allow around 70-90 mins
  • Is Spinal Flow safe?
    SFT is generally considered safe as it is non-invasive and involves gentle touching along the spine. However, as with any therapy, individual experiences may vary. It's important to consult with a certified spinal flow practitioner who can assess your specific needs and determine if SFT is suitable for you.
  • How long is a Spinal Flow® session?
    After your initial consultation, most healing sessions last between 30 to 40 minutes. Children tend to respond very quickly so their session are usually less than 20 minutes.
  • How many session will I need?
    When you begin your care plan, visits can be quite frequent, depending upon the severity of your condition. The initial focus is to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. We then focus on stabilising spinal function moving to Corrective care and onto Wellness care.
  • How do I prepare for a session?
    Please bring socks, and pants with a very thin, light, preferably high waist band. Please – no jeans, or any thick yoga leggings with the raised ridges/seams that run across the sacrum area.
  • What can I expect after a session?
    You may feel great after today, you may feel terrible and achy or you may feel no different at all - all these responses are normal and expected. If you feel no different, don't get upset, it's ok it takes time to make permanent change. Your body will be working to find it’s new alignment and integrate the shifts we’ve made. This can even last for some time afterward, including at home and over the following days. As your body is moving into a better position and we’re letting go of compensations, you may feel muscles you haven’t felt in a while. So don’t be surprised if you’re a little sore in new areas. It’s also possible you may experience some dizziness immediately after the session which can take some time to clear. This is normal but again make sure you allow time and consider your transport arrangements.
  • What can I do after a Spinal Flow® session?
    It is important to take care of your body and give it the proper aftercare it needs. 1. Hydration : Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out any toxins that may have been released during the session. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. 2. Rest : Allow yourself some time to rest and relax after the session. Your body may need time to integrate and adjust to the changes that occurred during the session. Take it easy for the rest of the day and avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting. 3. Gentle movement : Engage in gentle movement and stretches to help maintain the flow of energy and promote flexibility in your spine. Avoid any sudden or jerky movements that may strain your muscles. 4. Self-care practices : Engage in self-care practices such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or gentle yoga to further promote relaxation and balance in your body. These practices can help you connect with your breath and continue to benefit from the session. 5. Follow any specific instructions : If your practitioner has provided you with any specific instructions or recommendations, make sure to follow them diligently. This may include dietary guidelines, additional exercises or stretches, or specific self-care practices. 6. Listen to your body : Pay attention to your body’s needs and listen to any signals it may be sending you. If you experience any discomfort or pain after the session, notify your practitioner and seek their guidance. Remember, the aftercare following a session of Spinal Flow or Singing bowl sound therapy is crucial for optimising the benefits and allowing your body to fully integrate the adjustments made during the session. By taking care of yourself and following these guidelines, you can support your overall well-being and maintain the positive effects of the treatment.
  • How is Spinal Flow® different from chiropractic?
    A Chiropractor will relieve back pain/structural dysfunction, and improve posture through physical manipulation of the spine. They find the problem spot (subluxation) and through pushes, thrusts and other physical techniques, bring you back into alignment. From the outside-in. Spinal Flow® uses light touches along the access points of the head and spine, and as the body sees these as places of ease, moves to expand this ease further through the spine via a spinal wave - softening and releasing blockages on it’s way. From the inside-out. Spinal Flow® is gentle. It respects the intelligence of your body in choosing what it releases and when, in the safety of it’s own movement, in it’s own timing (which FYI, can be fast), and in the way it deems most effective.
  • How is Spinal Flow® working with Children?
    Assessments and Spinal Flow® treatment sessions with children may differ in duration and approach from child to child, depending on age, especially those between 0 to 7 years old, as well as specific health concerns. Your practitioner will work on building trust with your child and may request for a parent’s or guardian’s assistance from time to time. The child will be provided the space to adjust and feel comfortable with the practitioner to facilitate more effective healing.
  • How do I make a booking?
    All booking make online. Initial intake online booking deposit payments are accepted through PayPal or cash payments for other sessions and balances are acceptable at the time of your appointment.
  • Risks of Singing Bowl Sound Therapy?
    For most people, they likely won't cause any negative effects. I offer Singing Bowl session as a complementary therapy with Spinal Flow® session. The duration of the sound therapy are very short and no direct contact on your body. Imagine receiving a gentle bath of sounds allowing your body to let go and move into a deeper state of relaxation. Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through blockages in the body. Regretfully, Singing Bowl Sound Therapy is NOT suitable for clients with or suffer from : Implanted Pacemaker Serious heart problems Previous nerve damage Suffering from psychosis or recent trauma Epileptic attacks Serious HBP Recent brain surgery Children under age of 7 During pregnancy
  • Risks of Practicing Breathing Exercises?
    Breathwork is generally safe, but it isn’t suitable for everyone. Intense techniques, like holotropic breathwork, may lead to unwanted side effects. Individuals with cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, or certain mental health conditions should consult healthcare professionals before starting a breathwork practice, or consider a guided practice with a professional practitioner. They are rare, but risks associated with breathwork include: Hyperventilation Increased anxiety Feelings of emotional overwhelm Temporary increase in blood pressure Lightheadedness or fainting Muscle spasms Nausea Flashbacks Always approach breathwork with caution, particularly when exploring deeper practices. Precautions for Strong breathing techniques NOT for those, or only do it gently that suffer from: Serious heart problems Epileptic attacks Serious HBP Recent surgery on the torso Recent brain surgery Suffering from psychosis or recent trauma
  • How often should I perform the breathing exercise? What duration should I aim for?
    Daily practice gives you the best results. At first, 5 to 10 minutes is a reasonable goal, but you should aim for 15 to 20 minutes.
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